Users and Roles
A user is a registered person on the Appearition Platform who can access features and data. Users can be allocated to one or many roles to grant privileges to administrative functions at the system, tenant or channel level and to permit access to functions and data exposed by each module.
Creating Users#
There are two ways a user can be created on the Appearition Platform:
A user can be manually added to a tenant…
by System Admin#
A user assigned to the System Admin role has a unique screen to manually add a user. From the User Management screen, there will be a link labelled “Add User (System Admin Only)“
by Tenant Admin#
A user assigned to the Tenant Admin role can add users via the User Management screen.
Invitation to a channel#
A user assigned to either System Admin or Tenant Admin role can invite a new or existing user to a specific channel.
Self service registrations#
New users can create their own account from the main login screen.
Get started
Click here to register an account on the Appearition Platform
If a tenant (read more here) has been newly created, you may find this situation when entering the User Management screen…

This is caused by a mis-configuration of the User and Persona modules and can easily be fixed by the tenant or system administrator. See instructions here
The Appearition Platform supports a number of core roles:
- System Admin
- Tenant Admin
Each module then exposes a set of roles that can be assigned to users for granular control of functions and data.
Core Roles#
System Admin#
Gives unrestricted access to all features of the platform across all tenants. There needs to be at least one System Admin role on the platform.
How do you grant a user System Admin role?
The only way a user can be assigned this role is via direct update to the underlying platform data store. Please contact Appearition support for more information
Tenant Admin#
Gives unrestricated access to all features of the platform for the specific tenant(s) that the user is allocated to. System Admin roles can allocate a user to a tenant and grant them Tenant Admin role.
Alternatively, another Tenant Admin within a specific tenant can assign another user within the same tenant to the Tenant Admin role.
Assigning Roles#
Roles can only be assigned via the User Management screen in the Appearition Platform portal.
Module Roles#
Each module exposes a set of roles for granularly controlling the functions and data that a user has access to. You can discover what roles are available to a module via the settings screen of the Appearition Platform portal.
Only users assigned to either System Admin or Tenant Admin role can access the settings screen in a tenant