Namespace: Reminder


Use the functions under this module to create, change and remove Reminder records on the Appearition platform


Appearition.Part.Reminder.AddPartReminder (request, requestOptions) static

Will add a new reminder event to the part

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Part.Reminder.AddPartReminderRequest

Contains the details of the Reminder

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Appearition.Part.Reminder.GetPartReminders (partId, requestOptions)Array.<Appearition.Part.Manage.PartReminder> static

Will retrieve all the reminder events for the given part

Name Type Description
partId number

Unique identifier of the part

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Description
Array.<Appearition.Part.Manage.PartReminder> This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Appearition.Part.Reminder.UpdatePartReminder (request, requestOptions) static

Will modify the details of an existing reminder event for a part. Note, depending on the request properties, this method could also modify the reminder details on existing assets in the database which are of this part type

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Part.Reminder.UpdatePartReminderRequest

Contains the details of the Reminder

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Definitions


This data structure is posted to the server when adding a new Reminder to a part

Name Type Description
ProjectId number

Uniquely identifies the project (aka channel)

PartId number

Uniquely identifies the part. Required

StopDate string

If the reminders are recurring, this is the date when the event notifications should stop

Comments string

The text that is sent as part of the notification

IsEmailReminder boolean

Indicates if the notification should be made via email

IsExceptionItemRaised boolean

Indicates if an asset exception record should be created for this event

ReminderEmails string

If IsEmailReminder=true, this holds a comma separated list of email addresses that need to receive the notification

DefaultPartInstanceReminder boolean

Is used when creating or editing reminders. If set to true, then this reminder will be automatically assigned to each new instance of this part in the asset database.

UpdatePartInstanceReminder boolean

Is used when creating or editing reminders. If set to true, then the system will automatically update ALL existing instances of this part and set the reminder on them.

FirstReminderDateIntervalType Appearition.Part.Manage.FirstReminderDateIntervalTypeEnum

Relates to the first reminder. It is the numerical value of the FirstReminderDateIntervalTypeEnum (e.g. before)

FirstReminderDateIntervalRecurranceType Appearition.Part.Manage.RecurranceEnum

Relates to the first reminder. It is the numerical value of the RecurranceEnum (e.g. days).

FirstReminderDateInterval number

Relates to the first reminder. Is the number of days, weeks, etc (i.e. FirstReminderDateIntervalRecurranceType) before or after (i.e. FirstReminderDateIntervalType) the date of reminder (i.e. FirstReminderDateType)

FirstReminderDateType Appearition.Part.Manage.ReminderDateTypeEnum

Relates to the first reminder. It is the numerical value of the ReminderDateTypeEnum. (e.g. PurchaseDate)

RecurranceType Appearition.Part.Manage.RecurranceEnum

Relates to repeating reminders and indicates whether they happen daily, weekly, etc. It is the numerical value of the RecurranceEnum.

RecurranceValue number

If this reminder needs to repeat, this holds the number of times the reminders will happen per RecurranceType. (e.g. repeat every 3 days)

IsOnce boolean

Indicates if only one reminder should be made


This data structure is posted to the server when modifying an existing Reminder for a part

Name Type Description
ProjectId number

Uniquely identifies the project (aka channel). Required

Id number

Uniquely identifies the reminder record. Required

PartId number

Uniquely identifies the part. Required

StopDate string

If the reminders are recurring, this is the date when the event notifications should stop

Comments string

The text that is sent as part of the notification

IsEmailReminder boolean

Indicates if the notification should be made via email

IsExceptionItemRaised boolean

Indicates if an asset exception record should be created for this event

ReminderEmails string

If IsEmailReminder=true, this holds a comma separated list of email addresses that need to receive the notification

DefaultPartInstanceReminder boolean

Is used when creating or editing reminders. If set to true, then this reminder will be automatically assigned to each new instance of this part in the asset database.

UpdatePartInstanceReminder boolean

Is used when creating or editing reminders. If set to true, then the system will automatically update ALL existing instances of this part and set the reminder on them.

FirstReminderDateType Appearition.Part.Manage.ReminderDateTypeEnum

Relates to the first reminder. It is the numerical value of the ReminderDateTypeEnum. (e.g. PurchaseDate)

FirstReminderDateIntervalType Appearition.Part.Manage.FirstReminderDateIntervalTypeEnum

Relates to the first reminder. It is the numerical value of the FirstReminderDateIntervalTypeEnum (e.g. before)

FirstReminderDateIntervalRecurranceType Appearition.Part.Manage.RecurranceEnum

Relates to the first reminder. It is the numerical value of the RecurranceEnum (e.g. days).

FirstReminderDateInterval number

Relates to the first reminder. Is the number of days, weeks, etc (i.e. FirstReminderDateIntervalRecurranceType) before or after (i.e. FirstReminderDateIntervalType) the date of reminder (i.e. FirstReminderDateType)

RecurranceType Appearition.Part.Manage.RecurranceEnum

Relates to repeating reminders and indicates whether they happen daily, weekly, etc. It is the numerical value of the RecurranceEnum.

RecurranceValue number

If this reminder needs to repeat, this holds the number of times the reminders will happen per RecurranceType. (e.g. repeat every 3 days)

IsOnce boolean

Indicates if only one reminder should be made