Namespace: Authentication


Use the functions under this module to login and logout and retrieve MyProfile

  • 1.0.0
  • Appearition Pty Ltd


Appearition.Authentication.Login (baseApiUrl, appId, anonymousToken, sessionToken, channelId, username, password, overrideCookieExpiresInMinutes)string static

Logs into the instance of the Appearition platform as specified

Name Type Description
baseApiUrl string

The base URL of the instance of the Appearition platform

appId string

Your registered application name. Refer to the API Access in the Appearition platform portal

anonymousToken string

Your generated UUID token which is not linked to a specific user. Refer to the API Access in the Appearition platform portal

sessionToken string

Leave this null (deprecated)

channelId number

The specific channel you want to login to

username string

The username for authentication

password string

The password to match the username

overrideCookieExpiresInMinutes number

(optional) defaults to 60 minutes

Type Description
string Session Token

Appearition.Authentication.Logout ()void static

Invalidates the Session Token which means the user is logged out of the Appearition platform

Type Description
void nothing

Appearition.Authentication.MyProfile ()Object static

Retrieves the user profile of the logged in user from the Appearition platform

Type Description
Object The profile of the user

Appearition.Authentication.VerifyLogin (overrideCookieExpiresInMinutes)credentials static

Initialises the Appearition SDK. If already logged in returns your credentials, otherwise null

Name Type Description
overrideCookieExpiresInMinutes number

(optional) defaults to 60 minutes

Type Description
credentials Your logged in credentials or nulls

Appearition.Authentication.VerifySession (baseApiUrl, sessionToken, channelId, overrideCookieExpiresInMinutes)string static

Checks if the provided session details are valid and if not rejects

Name Type Description
baseApiUrl string

The base URL of the instance of the Appearition platform. Set this if you want to use the session token parameter

sessionToken string

Set this if you want to use an existing token

channelId number

The specific channel you want to login to.

overrideCookieExpiresInMinutes number

(optional) defaults to 60 minutes

Type Description
string jQuery deferred object (i.e. promise): resolve(), reject(msg).