Namespace: Manage


Use the functions under this module to create, change and remove Part records on the Appearition platform


Appearition.Part.Manage.AddPart (request, requestOptions)Appearition.Part.Manage.PartViewModel static

Will create a new Part record and echo back the saved part record with the system allocated unique identifier.

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Part.Manage.AddPartViewModel

Contains the details of the new Part being added

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Description
Appearition.Part.Manage.PartViewModel The saved record with the system allocated Id. This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Appearition.Part.Manage.DeletePart (request, requestOptions) static

Will delete an existing Part record.

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Part.Manage.UpdatePartViewModel

Contains the details of the Part

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Appearition.Part.Manage.GetPartners (requestOptions)Appearition.Part.Manage.GetPartnersResponseViewModel static

This method will return various lists required to manage a part It will return a Appearition.Part.Manage.GetPartnersResponseViewModel object

Name Type Description
requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

configure callbacks

Type Description
Appearition.Part.Manage.GetPartnersResponseViewModel This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Appearition.Part.Manage.ListParts (partName, partCategoryId, page, pageSize, requestOptions)Array.<Appearition.Part.Manage.PartViewModel> static

Performs a search on parts in the database and retrieve results Will return a collection of Appearition.Part.Manage.PartViewModel objects

Name Type Description
partName string

Partial text to look for as the name of the part

partCategoryId number

Option value if you want to limit a search to within a category only

page number

Used for paging results. The results page number you want to retrieve. Zero based index.

pageSize number

Specific how many records per page you want to return.

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Description
Array.<Appearition.Part.Manage.PartViewModel> This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Appearition.Part.Manage.UpdatePart (request, requestOptions) static

Will update the details of an existing Part record. Nothing will be returned unless an error occurs.

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Part.Manage.UpdatePartViewModel

Contains the details of the Part

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Definitions


This data structure is posted to the server when adding a new part to the system.

Name Type Description
Name string

The name of the part. Required.

Description string

Describes the part in some detail. Optional.

PricePerUnit number

A dollar value for each instance of the part. The context is requirement dependent. Optional.


List of different types of intervals for a reminder

Name Type Description
Before number


After number



This data structure holds various lists of data that must be used when creating or editing the details of a part

Name Type Description
Manufacturers Array.<Appearition.ListItemViewModel>

A collection of available manufacturers of parts

ManufacturerModels Array.<Appearition.Part.Manage.ManufacturerModelListItem>

A collection of models that each manufacturer makes

Suppliers Array.<Appearition.ListItemViewModel>

A collection of suppliers of parts

Repairers Array.<Appearition.ListItemViewModel>

A collection of repairers of parts

Categories Array.<Appearition.ListItemViewModel>

A collection of categories that parts can be grouped under


This data model represents a model that a manufacturer makes. It extends the Appearition.ListItemViewModel model and adds an extra field to link the manufacturer to the model.

Name Type Description
Id number

The unique identifier for the list item

Name string

This presents the model of the part that the manufacturer has

ManufacturerId number

The unique identifier of the manufacturer


Represents a category that a part is grouped under. It is actually a link record between parts and categories

Name Type Description
Id number

Uniquely identifies the link record in the database. System allocated.

PartId number

Uniquely identifies the Part

CategoryId number

Uniquely identifies the Category

CategoryName string

The name of Category


A reminder is a scheduled event which will notify someone when the event occurs for the part. For instance, warranty is due for expiry.

Name Type Description
PartId number

Uniquely identifies the Part

FirstReminderDateType Appearition.Part.Manage.ReminderDateTypeEnum

Relates to the first reminder. It is the numerical value of the ReminderDateTypeEnum. (e.g. PurchaseDate)

FirstReminderDateIntervalType Appearition.Part.Manage.FirstReminderDateIntervalTypeEnum

Relates to the first reminder. It is the numerical value of the FirstReminderDateIntervalTypeEnum (e.g. before)

FirstReminderDateIntervalRecurranceType Appearition.Part.Manage.RecurranceEnum

Relates to the first reminder. It is the numerical value of the RecurranceEnum (e.g. days).

FirstReminderDateInterval number

Relates to the first reminder. Is the number of days, weeks, etc (i.e. FirstReminderDateIntervalRecurranceType) before or after (i.e. FirstReminderDateIntervalType) the date of reminder (i.e. FirstReminderDateType)

StopDate string

If the reminders are recurring, this is the date when the event notifications should stop

Comments string

The text that is sent as part of the notification

IsEmailReminder boolean

Indicates if the notification should be made via email

IsExceptionItemRaised boolean

Indicates if an asset exception record should be created for this event

ReminderEmails string

If IsEmailReminder=true, this holds a comma separated list of email addresses that need to receive the notification

RecurranceType Appearition.Part.Manage.RecurranceEnum

Relates to repeating reminders and indicates whether they happen daily, weekly, etc. It is the numerical value of the RecurranceEnum.

IsOnce boolean

Indicates if only one reminder should be made

RecurranceValue number

If this reminder needs to repeat, this holds the number of times the reminders will happen per RecurranceType. (e.g. repeat every 3 days)

DefaultPartInstanceReminder boolean

Is used when creating or editing reminders. If set to true, then this reminder will be automatically assigned to each new instance of this part in the asset database.

UpdatePartInstanceReminder boolean

Is used when creating or editing reminders. If set to true, then the system will automatically update ALL existing instances of this part and set the reminder on them.


Represents a Part and all of the details

Name Type Description
Id number

The unique identifier for the Part. This is system generated

Name string

The name of the Part

Description string

Text that describes the part

TotalRecords number

The total number of parts found in the search that this specific record came from.

PricePerUnit number

This represents a dollar value for each unit. The context of this dollar value will vary in different applications

Reminders Array.<Appearition.Part.Manage.PartReminder>

A collection of scheduled event notifications for the part.

Manufacturers Array.<Appearition.Part.PartManufacturerViewModel>

A collection of scheduled event notifications for the part.

Categories Array.<Appearition.Part.Manage.PartCategoryViewModel>

A collection of scheduled event notifications for the part.


List of different periods that reminders should recur in.

Name Type Description
Days number


Weeks number


Months number


Years number



The various dates that part reminders should refer to

Name Type Description
PurchaseDate number


ExpiryDate number


DatabaseRecordCreationDate number



Represents a Part and all of the details. It is used for requests to modify the details of a part

Name Type Description
Id number

The unique identifier for the Part. This is system generated

Name string

The name of the Part

Description string

Text that describes the part

PricePerUnit number

This represents a dollar value for each unit. The context of this dollar value will vary in different applications