Namespace: Job


Use the functions under this module to access job records on the Appearition platform




Appearition.Job.DeleteImage (request, requestOptions) static

Removes the file that is associated to a field on a form. Will not return anything unless an error occurs.

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Job.JobFormFieldPostViewModel

Contains the information of the associated field on the form. Note the server side only used the jobAssigmentFormFileId property to perform the deletion

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Appearition.Job.GetImage (jobAssignmentFormFileId, requestOptions)Appearition.Job.JobAssignmentFormFileContentsViewModel static

Retrieves the contents for a file that is associated to a specific field on a saved or submitted form. Will return an Appearition.Job.JobAssignmentFormFileContentsViewModel data model

Name Type Description
jobAssignmentFormFileId long

configure callbacks

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Type Description
Appearition.Job.JobAssignmentFormFileContentsViewModel This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Appearition.Job.GetJobFormData (request, requestOptions)Appearition.Job.JobAssignmentViewModel static

Retrieves the most recent modified Job Assignment with all of the saved forms record for the give job and site. Form data returned will contain any reviewer comments if they've been made. Will return the Appearition.Job.JobAssignmentViewModel model

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Job.JobDataGetViewModel

Contains the identifiers for retrieving the required records

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Description
Appearition.Job.JobAssignmentViewModel This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Appearition.Job.GetJobSummaryFormData (request, requestOptions)Appearition.Job.AllJobAssignmentViewModel static

Retrieves a summary of saved or submitted job forms for a given user and project (aka Channel). Will return the Appearition.Job.AllJobAssignmentViewModel model

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Job.JobDataGetViewModel

Contains the identifiers for retrieving the required records

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Description
Appearition.Job.AllJobAssignmentViewModel This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Appearition.Job.GetSiteJobs (requestOptions)Appearition.Job.SiteJobsViewModel static

Retrieves all of the allocated Jobs for Sites as published on the Appearition platform for the specified tenant and project. It will return a Appearition.Job.SiteJobsViewModel object

Name Type Description
requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

configure callbacks

Type Description
Appearition.Job.SiteJobsViewModel This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Appearition.Job.SaveJobFormData (request, requestOptions)Appearition.Job.JobViewModel static

Saves the form to the server as a draft. Will return the Appearition.Job.JobViewModel model

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Job.JobAssignmentViewModel

Contains the information of the job for the site and the completed form data

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Description
Appearition.Job.JobViewModel This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Appearition.Job.SubmitJobFormData (request, requestOptions)Appearition.Job.JobViewModel static

Submits a completed form for review. Will return the Appearition.Job.JobViewModel model

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Job.JobAssignmentViewModel

Contains the information of the job for the site and the completed form data

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Description
Appearition.Job.JobViewModel This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Appearition.Job.SubmitJobFormFile (request, fileContent, requestOptions) static

Submits a file for the submitted job form. Invoke this after the SubmitJobFormData has succeeded. This will not return anything unless a failure occurs.

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Job.SubmitJobFormFileRequest

Contains the various fields required for linking this file to the correct submitted form

fileContent string

The file contents that need to be submitted to the server

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Definitions


This is the return data structure for the Appearition.Job.GetJobSummaryFormData method

Name Type Description
Forms Array.<Appearition.Job.JobFormPostViewModel>

A collection of job form records in summary (i.e. not all properties are populated)


The various actions that can be performed on an asset

Name Type Description
CheckIn number


CheckOut number


Verify number



The various status values for a Job Form

Name Type Description
ReadyForReview number


ReviewInProgress number


Approved number


Rejected number


UnSubmitted number



This is the data structure that holds the file associated to a field on a saved or submitted form

Name Type Description
File64Base string

A base64string representation of file contents.

FileName string

The name of the file represented in the File64Base property.


This is the data model returned by Appearition.Job.GetJobFormData method

Name Type Description
ProjectId number

The unique identifier for the project (aka Channel)

AssigneeUsername string

The unique login of the user allocated to the job.

AssigneeFirstName string

The first name of the user allocated to the job.

AssigneeLastName string

The last name of the user allocated to the job.

SiteId number

The unique identifier for the site

JobStatus number

Refer to Appearition.Job.JobStatusEnum for options

JobId number

The unique identifier for the job

JobNo string

This is one of a four identifiers that admin can assign to a job

PurchaseOrderNo string

This is one of a four identifiers that admin can assign to a job

PTW string

This is one of a four identifiers that admin can assign to a job

TroubleTicket string

This is one of a four identifiers that admin can assign to a job

ReviewerComments string

Hold comments made by a reviewer of this job assignment

Forms Array.<Appearition.Job.JobFormPostViewModel>

A collection of forms with data that has been saved on the server


This is the data structure to send as part of the Appearition.Job.GetJobFormData method

Name Type Description
ProjectId number

The unique identifier for the project (aka Channel)

AssigneeUsername string

The unique login of the user allocated to the job.

AssigneeFirstName string

The first name of the user allocated to the job.

AssigneeLastName string

The last name of the user allocated to the job.

JobId number

The unique identifier for the job

SiteId number

The unique identifier for the site


This is the data model of a specific field in a submitted form. Note, that this model contains properties that relate to assets. An asset is a part instance

Name Type Description
Id number

The unique identifier of the field record with the data as submitted

FormFieldId number

The unique identifier to the field as declared on the form

ParentFieldId number

The unique identifier of the parent field

FieldKey string

The unique identifier for the field. In most cases will be the same as FormFieldId however if there is a parent involved it will have the parent field id prepended (e.g. |)

jobAssigmentFormFileId number

The unique identifier of the associated file record attached for this field.

jobAssigmentFormFileName number

The name of the associated file that is attached to this field.

FormFieldValue string

The value entered in the field

imageExist boolean

Indicates if the associated file is an image

RowNo number

If the field is a table like field where the user can add rows, this property will contain the index of the row number this field belongs to

ReviewerComments string

Holds comments made by a reviewer on the field

AssetAction Appearition.Job.AssetActionEnum

If the field is related to an Asset, then the action taken will be set here. Refer to Appearition.Job.AssetActionEnum

PartId number

The unique identifier to the part that the asset action is happening for

Barcode string

Uniquely identifies the instance of the part that the asset action is happening for

SerialNo string

A property of the instance of the part that the asset action is happening for

ManufacturerId number

The unique identifier of a manufacturer of the part

NewManufacturerName string

The name of the manufacturer. If the ManufacturerId is null, then the value specified here will represent a new manufacturer (unless the name already exists)

ModelId number

The unique identifier of a model of the part

NewModelNo string

The name of the model. If the ModelId is null, then the value specified here will represent a new model (unless the name already exists)

Comment string

A comment that is related to the part

SupplierId number

The unique identifier of a supplier of the part

NewSupplierName string

The name of the supplier. If the SupplierId is null, then the value specified here will represent a new supplier (unless the name already exists)

PurchaseDate string

A date/time that represents when the part instance was purchased. The date format is ISO 8601 (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ)

WarrantyExpiryDate string

A date/time that represents when the warranty period of part instance expires. The date format is ISO 8601 (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ)

PartInstanceId number

The unique identifier of the instance of the part being modified

SubPartInstanceId number

The unique identifier of the instance of the part which is a child

JobAssignmentFormFieldForAsset_ParentId number

The unique identifier of the parent Form Field. This applies for instances of parts (i.e. an Asset)

PartInstance_CurrentParentId number

If this record is a Sub Part, then this field represents the parent PartInstanceId

Subparts Array.<Appearition.Job.JobFormFieldPostViewModel>

If this record is a Part Instance, then this collection holds all of the sub parts under it


This is the data model of a submitted form

Name Type Description
SubmitCorrelationKey string

A unique string set by the client (e.g. UUID) which the server will use to guard against the same request being submitted more than once

FormId number

The unique identifier to the form

FormStatus number

Refer to Appearition.Job.FormStatusEnum for options

FormKey string

A unique identifier for the form. In most cases will be the same as FormId

FormName string

The name of the form at the time of submission

FormGroupName string

The name of the form group that this form was selected from at the time of submission

FormGroupId string

The unique identifier of the form group

JobId number

The unique identifier for the job

JobNo string

This is one of a four identifiers that admin can assign to a job

PurchaseOrderNo string

This is one of a four identifiers that admin can assign to a job

PTW string

This is one of a four identifiers that admin can assign to a job

TroubleTicket string

This is one of a four identifiers that admin can assign to a job

SiteId long

The unique identifier for the site

SiteName string

The name of site

AssigneeUsername string

The unique login of the user allocated to the job.

AssigneeFirstName string

The first name of the user allocated to the job.

AssigneeLastName string

The last name of the user allocated to the job.

EnteredUtcDate string

The date and time in UTC of when the form data was entered. The date format is ISO 8601 (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ)

ReviewerComments string

Hold comments made by a reviewer of this job assignment

Fields Array.<Appearition.Job.JobFormFieldPostViewModel>

The collection of fields on the form along with data


The various status values for a Job

Name Type Description
Assigned number


ReadyForReview number


ReviewInProgress number


Approved number


Rejected number


Cancelled number



Represents a Job

Name Type Description
JobId number

The unique identifier for a Job

JobNo string

This is one of a four identifiers that admin can assign to a job

PurchaseOrderNo string

This is one of a four identifiers that admin can assign to a job

PTW string

This is one of a four identifiers that admin can assign to a job

TroubleTicket string

This is one of a four identifiers that admin can assign to a job

JobStatus number

Refer to Appearition.Job.JobStatusEnum for options

SiteId number

The unique identifier of the Site this job is for

IsDeleted boolean

Used to notify any clients that cache job records that this job has been removed server side

File64Base string

A base64string representation of file contents. This is deprecated

FileName string

The name of the file represented in the File64Base property. This is deprecated

ScheduledStartUtcDate string

If set, shows the scheduled start date of this job (format: d MMM yy)

ScheduledEndUtcDate string

If set, shows the scheduled end date of this job (format: d MMM yy)


This is the return data structure for the Appearition.Job.GetSiteJobs method

Name Type Description
AssigneeUsername string

The unique login of the user allocated to the job.

AssigneeFirstName string

The first name of the user allocated to the job.

AssigneeLastName string

The last name of the user allocated to the job.

SiteJobs Array.<Appearition.Job.SiteJobViewModel>

A collection of site job records


Represents a Site and all of the allocated jobs

Name Type Description
SiteId number

The unique identifier for a Site

Jobs Array.<Appearition.Job.JobViewModel>

A collection of job records that have been allocated to the Site


This is the data structure to send as part of the Appearition.Job.SubmitJobFormFile method

Name Type Description
ProjectId number

The unique identifier for the project (aka Channel)

SiteId number

The unique identifier for the site

JobId number

The unique identifier for the job

FormKey string

A unique identifier for the form submitted.

FieldKey string

The unique identifier for the field in the submitted form that this file is associate with

FileChecksum string

The MD5 hash of the file contents. Will be used on the server to validate the correct file bytes have been transferred

FileName string

The name of the file being uploaded