Namespace: Market


Use the functions under this module to access market features for AR Experience on the Appearition platform


Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Market.AddToChannel (fromProductId, fromArTargetId, requestOptions) static

Publishes the experience to the market

Name Type Description
fromProductId number

identifies the channel which the market item is coming from

fromArTargetId number

identifies the item in the market

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Market.CopyrightInfo (fromProductId, fromArTargetId, requestOptions) static

Retrieves the copyright info of as specific experience record in the marketplace

Name Type Description
fromProductId number

identifies the channel which the market item is coming from

fromArTargetId number

identifies the item in the market

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Market.GetPricing (fromProductId, fromArTargetId, requestOptions)Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.PricingViewModel static

Retrieves the pricing information for an AR Target record

Name Type Description
fromProductId number

identifies the channel which the market item is coming from

fromArTargetId number

identifies the item in the market

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Type Description

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Market.List (request, requestOptions) static

Retrieves all of the published AR Experiences from the Appearition platform for the specified tenant and channel

Name Type Description
request any

data structure holds the filter and paging information for the server

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Market.ListPreviewMedia (fromProductId, fromArTargetId, requestOptions)Array.<Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.PreviewMediaViewModel> static

Retrieves the list of preview media files for an AR Target record

Name Type Description
fromProductId number

identifies the channel which the market item is coming from

fromArTargetId number

identifies the item in the market

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Type Description

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Market.Publish (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Publishes the experience to the market

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to publish

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Market.Unpublish (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Unpublishes the experience from the market

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to return

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Type Definitions


This is the data structure sent for the Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Market.List method

Name Type Description
name string

the name of the experience (partial allowed)

createdByUsername string

the name of the author of the experience (partial allowed)

page number

tells the server which page of the results to return (zero based index)

recordsPerPage number

tells the server how many results per page to return

includeTargetImages boolean

Whether the server should return the collection of targets

includeMedia boolean

Whether the server should return the collection of media

tags Array.<string>

A collection of tags to filter experiences by


This is the data structure sent for the Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Market.List method

Name Type Description
name string

the name of the experience (partial allowed)

createdByUsername string

the name of the author of the experience (partial allowed)

page number

tells the server which page of the results to return (zero based index)

recordsPerPage number

tells the server how many results per page to return

includeTargetImages boolean

Whether the server should return the collection of targets

includeMedia boolean

Whether the server should return the collection of media

tags Array.<string>

A collection of tags to filter experiences by