Namespace: Exception


Use the functions under this module to view and manage Asset Exception Items on the Appearition platform


Appearition.Asset.Exception.GetExceptionItems (request, requestOptions)Array.<Appearition.Asset.Exception.ExceptionItemViewModel> static

This method will return a collection of exception items as filtered by the configuration in the request

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Asset.Exception.GetExceptionItemsRequest

Contains the details required to complete this action

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

configure callbacks

Type Description
Array.<Appearition.Asset.Exception.ExceptionItemViewModel> This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Appearition.Asset.Exception.MarkRead (request, requestOptions)number static

Will toggle the read state of a specific exception item record.

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Asset.Exception.MarkReadRequest

Contains the details required to complete this action

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Description
number Echos back the identifier to the exception item record. This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Type Definitions


This data model represents an asset related exception event

Name Type Description
Id number

Uniquely identifies the exception record

IsAssetException boolean

Indicates if the exception relates to an asset action event

IsReminderException boolean

Indicates if the exception relates to an issue with an asset reminder event

PartEquipementIdentifier string

A property of the asset part

JobNo string

An identifier of the submitted job where the exception was picked up from

FormName string

The name of the submitted form where the exception was picked up from

Message string

The details of the exception

CreatedUtcDate string

The date and time in UTC when the exception was picked up.

CreatedLocalDate string

The date and time in the AEST timezone, when the exception was picked up.

IsToday boolean

Indicates of the date in CreatedLocalDate is today

SiteName string

The name of the site where the job was submitted for and where the exception was triggered from

PartInstanceReminderPartName string

The name of a part. This relates to Part reminders which have been configured to raise exception item records. Refer to Appearition.Asset.PartInstanceReminderViewModel.

PartInstanceReminderSiteName string

The name of a site. This relates to Part reminders which have been configured to raise exception item records. Refer to Appearition.Asset.PartInstanceReminderViewModel.

PartInstanceBarcode string

Identifier of an asset. This relates to Part reminders which have been configured to raise exception item records. Refer to Appearition.Asset.PartInstanceReminderViewModel.

HasBeenRead boolean

Indicates if the exception item has been marked as read by a user

TotalRecords number

The total number of exceptions found in the search that this specific record came from.


This data structure is used to search and filter exception items on the server

Name Type Description
JobAssignmentFormId number

Uniquely identifies a submitted job form which would have asset action fields

PartInstanceId number

Uniquely identifies an asset in the database

HasBeenRead boolean

Indicates if the results should include records that have been marked as read

Page number

Used for paging of results. Zero based index.

PageSize number

Used for paging of results. The number of records per page.


This data structure is posted to the server when marking an exception item as read or not.

Name Type Description
ExceptionId number

Uniquely identifies the exception item record in the database. Required.

MarkAsRead bool

Indicates what state to set the read field of the exceptio item record. Required.