AR Target Image and Media
Module Version
This module is used to manage augmented reality (AR) experiences on the Appearition platform.
Role | Purpose |
ArCreator | Grants the user the privilege of creating new experience records in the user’s channel(s) |
ArEditorMineOnly | A user with this role is only allowed to view and modify experiences in a channel which they have created. No other user’s experiences are available. |
ArPublisher | Only users with this role are allow to publish an experience. Published experiences are served through the API endpoints without the need to authenticate a user. A published experience is therefore publicly available. |
ArMarketPublisher | A user with this role is able to publish an experience they have created into the marketplace for others to find and add into their channel. |
ArMarketViewer | A user with this role is allowed to browse the markertplace and select experiences into their channel. |
ArLock | Users with this role can lock and unlock AR targets from further modification |
ArTagEditor | Users with this role can add or remove keyword tags to metadata of AR targets |
ArPrivateTagEditor | Users with this role can add or remove keyword tags from a private set to metadata of AR targets. The private set of tags is defined in the TagsPrivateReservedCsv setting |
The module exposes a number of settings allow customisation of function and behaviour
Name | Type | Default Value | Purpose |
HeadingText | string | AR Experience | Customise the display name of the module. Only applicable for the user interface |
ArText | string | AR Experience | Customise the display name of each experience record. This is used to display messages to the user such as “Are you sure you wish to delete this ArText ?. Only applicable for the user interface |
AllowedMediaTypesCsv | comma separated string | [empty] | Controls which of the available media types in the tenant are available to all users in the tenant or specific channel |
AssetOrderMedia | boolean | false | Determines if the collection of media files for published experiences should be sorted as part of the “Asset” API endpoint requests |
CompositeMediaOrderArray | pipe separated string | Video | Button | Weblink | This is a pipe delimited array of MediaType names that the sorting algorithm will use to order the collection of media files of each published experience. Only applicable if AssetOrderMedia is set to TRUE. |
HelpUrlTarget | string | [empty] | A public URL where a user will be redirected to when they need assistance in uploading Target Images in the UI |
HelpUrlMedia | string | [empty] | A public URL where a user will be redirected to when they need assistance in uploading MEDIA in the UI |
ArHeadingText | string | AR Experience | (obsolete) |
Access Controls#
Name | Type | Default Value | Purpose |
ExposeTargetImages ViaPublicApi | boolean | false | When set to TRUE, the target image of an experience can be downloaded via the API |
IsEnabled | boolean | true | Set this to TRUE to make it available in the tenant. False to not make it available. Note the deactivate action on the settings screen effectively does the same thing. |
AuthorisedRolesCsv | comma separated string | [empty] | (Deprecated) This field is used to control which roles can access the overall module. |
Name | Type | Default Value | Purpose |
MarketLabelText | string | Marketplace | Customise the display name of the marketplace |
Name | Type | Default Value | Purpose |
TagsShowStandardFirst | boolean | true | Will show the tags in TagsStandardAvailableCsv setting before any other tag |
TagsCanSeeOthers | boolean | true | Controls if a user in a channel is allowed to see the tags used in experiences created by other users within the same channel |
TagsCanSeeOtherChannels | boolean | true | Controls if a user in a channel is allowed to see the tags used in experiences created by other users in across ALL channels in the tenant |
TagsStandardAvailableCsv | comma separated string | [empty] | A list of tags which will always be presented to a user when creating or editing experiences. |
TagsPrivateReservedCsv | comma separated string | [empty] | A reserved list of tags which will always be presented to an ArPrivateTagEditor user when creating or editing experiences. |
Name | Type | Default Value | Purpose |
StudioRolesCsv | comma separated string | [empty] | Controls which users are allowed to access the 3D studio user interface |
StudioUsersCsv | comma separated string | [empty] | Controls which roles are allowed to access the 3D studio user interface |
Name | Type | Default Value | Purpose |
MaxPublishedTargets PerChannel | number | 999 | Controls how many published experiences are allowed in each channel |
MaxTargetsPerChannel | number | 5 | Controls the number of experiences that can be created in each channel |
MaxTargets | number | 999 | Controls the total number of experiences that can be created across ALL channels within a tenant |
MaxMediaPerTarget | number | 3 | Controls how many media files can be added to one experience |
MaxImagesPerTarget | number | 1 | Controls how many target images can be added to one experience. This value is dependant on the capability of the image recognition provider being used for the tenant or channel |
MaxShortDescriptionChars | number | 200 | Maximum number of characters allowed in the short description metadata of an AR target |
Target Image Validation#
Name | Type | Default Value | Purpose |
InvalidArImage AllowFileNameWhitespace | boolean | true | Controls if the file name of a target image can have spaces |
ArImage AllowSameNamedFile | boolean | true | Controls if multiple target image files can be uploaded with the same file name. Note regardless of this setting, all upload images are given a unique file name and the original name is preserved for display purposes |
InvalidArImage FileNameCharsCsv | pipe separated string | @!|@|###|$|%|^|&|*|(|)||||[|]|\|||;|:|‘||<|>|/|?| | Controls what characters are allowed to exist in the file name when uploading a target image |
ValidArImage FileNameExtensions | pipe separated string | jpeg | jpg | png | Controls the allowed file name extension when uploading a target image |
ValidArImage FileMimeType | pipe separated string | image/jpeg | image/jpg | image/png | Controls the allowed Mime Type of the file when uploading a target image |
MaxArImageUploadBytes | number | (4 MB) | Controls file size of a target image |
ValidArImageMinWidth | number | 400 | Controls the minimum width in pixels that the target image must be. This value relies on the capability of the image recognition provider used for the tenant or channel |
ValidArImageMinHeight | number | 300 | Controls the minimum height in pixels that the target image must be. This value relies on the capability of the image recognition provider used for the tenant or channel |
ValidArImageMaxWidth | number | [empty] | Controls the maximum width in pixels that the target image can be. This value relies on the capability of the image recognition provider used for the tenant or channel |
ValidArImageMaxHeight | number | [empty] | Controls the maximum height in pixels that the target image can be. This value relies on the capability of the image recognition provider used for the tenant or channel |
Image Recognition#
Name | Type | Default Value | Purpose |
ImageRecognitionProvider | string | Not available | Holds the unique “Name” of the Appearition Platform module which is being used in the tenant or channel to handle image recognition of the target images |
ImageRecognition CanDetermineImageQuality | boolean | true | Indicates if the provider as defined in ImageRecognitionProvider supports quality scoring images. If so the UI will poll and display the provider for the quality score when a target image is uploaded in an experience |
ImageRecognitionDataStoreName | string | [empty] | (Obsolete) |
ImageRecognitionDataStoreKey | string | [empty] | (Obsolete) |
ImageRecognitionAccessToken | string | [empty] | (Obsolete) |
Name | Type | Default Value | Purpose |
CopyrightContentOutputFormat | String | Title: {0} Owner: {1}<br/>Contact: {2}<br/>Legal: {3}<br/>Usage Rights: {4}<br/>Created: {5} |
Format of HTML string output from CopyRightInfo APIs describing content library copyright information of an AR target. Parameters in {} are: {0} - Title of content library item {1} - User who created the content library item {2} - Contact details described by content library item creator {3} - Legal statements described in content library item’s record {4} - Usage rights of content library item {5} - Date and time of content library item cration |
CopyrightOutputFormat | String | {0}<br/>CreatedBy: {1}<br/>Created: {2}<hr/>{3} | Format of HTML string output from CopyRightInfo APIs describing copyright information of an AR target. Parameters in {} are: {0} - copyright description string {1} - username of creator {2} - date and time of creation {3} - content library copyright information defined by CopyrightContentOutputFormat setting |
AR Image APIs#
This set of APIs is used for operations on the target images of an AR experience. The value of {id} matches the “channelId” output from the Channel/List Channel Management API. Use of the Channel Mananagement role ChannelManager has also been incorporated to provide read access to all target records in a channel.
Name, URL, Type, API Version | Roles | Purpose |
List /{tenant}/api/ArImage/List/{id} GET (API Version 1) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly, ChannelManager |
Retrieve list of target images for a specific permitted channel. Only images uploaded by the current user account matching the authentication token will be listed. To retrieve all target image records your role must be ChannelManager |
Download /{tenant}/api/ArImage/Download/{id} GET (API Version 1) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly, ChannelManager |
Download a specific target image file in byte format from a single permitted channel. Only images uploaded by the current user account matching the authentication token can be downloaded. To download all target image your role must be ChannelManager. This API requires module setting ExposeTargetImagesViaPublicApi set to TRUE. Note that Swagger generated cURL commands require an additional output switch and filename destination defined. |
Delete /{tenant}/api/ArImage/Delete/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
ChannelManager | Deletes a specific target image file from a single permitted channel. Note that the image must be unlinked from the target (via EMS or AR Experience API ArTarget/UnlinkArImage) |
AR Target APIs#
This set of APIs is used for operations on AR Experiences represented as Target records composed of a target image, triggered media, descriptive labels, keyword tags and access permission states. Except for the Create API, the value of {id} matches the “channelId” output from the Channel/List Channel Management API. Use of the Channel Mananagement role ChannelManager has also been incorporated to provide read access to all target records in a channel.
Name, URL, Type, API Version | Roles | Purpose |
Get /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/Get/{id} GET (API Version 1) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly, ChannelManager |
Retrieve metadata and URL information for a specific target in a permitted channel. Only targets created by the current user account matching the authentication token will be retrievable. To retrieve all target records your role must be ChannelManager |
Create /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/Create/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
ArCreator | Create a new AR target in a specific channel. The channelId is specified in parameter “productId”. Please note that {id} should default to 0. The API will respond with an error if the channel has reached it’s maximum number of permitted AR targets |
Update /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/Update/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
N/A | Deprecated. Please use ArTarget/UpdateName API instead |
Delete /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/Delete/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
ArCreator, ChannelManager |
Delete specific record of target from EMS in a permitted channel. Only targets created by the current user account matching the authentication token will be deletable. To delete target records created by other users user account role must include ChannelManager |
UploadTargetImage /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/UploadTargetImage/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly, ChannelManager |
Upload target image for a specific target record in a permitted channel. Note that the Swagger interface will not be successful as the API requires additional posting of multi-form data |
UnlinkArImage /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/UnlinkArImage/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Unlink an uploaded image from an AR target created by the user account matching the authentication token. Valid values of “arImageId” and “arTargetId” can be resolved using the output from the ArTarget/List API |
LinkArImage /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/LinkArImage/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Link an uploaded image to an AR target. Both target record and target image must have been created by the current user. Valid values of “arImageId” and “arTargetId” can be resolved using the output from the ArImage/List and ArTarget/List APIs |
UploadMedia /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/UploadMedia/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
N/A | Deprecated. Please use CreateMediaWithFile API instead |
UnlinkMedia /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/UnlinkMedia/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Unlink an uploaded media object from an AR target created by the user matching the authentication token. The values of “arTargetId” and “arMediaId” can be resolved using the output from the ArTarget/List API |
LinkMedia /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/LinkMedia/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Link an existing media object created by the user to an AR target created by the user matching the authentication token. The value of “arTargetId” and “arMediaId” can be resolved using the output from the ArTarget/List and Media/Search APIs. If the “arMediaId” is linked to another target record the media will be duplicated with a new “arMediaId” and linked to the “arTargetId”. |
UpdateMediaSettings /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/UpdateMediaSettings/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Update the media properties and AR behaviour settings for a specified media record and target record pair in a permitted channel created by the user account matching the authentication token |
GetMediaSettings /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/GetMediaSettings/{id} GET (API Version 1) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly, ChannelManager |
Retrieve the media properties and AR behaviour settings for a specified media record and target record pair in a permitted channel created by the user account matching the authentication token. To see media settings for target records created by another user the user account using this API must include the ChannelManager role. |
TagsByChannel /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/TagsByChannel/{id} GET (API Version 1) |
N/A | Retrieve list of metadata tags in use in a specific channel |
RelatedTagsByChannel /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/RelatedTagsByChannel/{id} GET (API Version 1) |
N/A | Retrieve a list of metadata tags in a specific channel related or grouped with a specific tag |
AvailableTags /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/AvailableTags/{id} GET (API Version 1) |
N/A | Retrieve list of existing metadata tags in the channel |
AddTag /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/AddTag/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
ArTagEditor, ArPrivateTagEditor | Add metadata tag to an unlocked AR Target. The user account accessing this API must have created the AR target and have the ArCreator or ArEditorMineOnly role enabled. To utilise this endpoint for all target records the user account requires the ChannelManager role enabled |
RemoveTag /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/RemoveTag/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
ArTagEditor, ArPrivateTagEditor | Remove metadata tag from an unlocked AR target. The user account accessing this API must have created the AR target and have the ArCreator or ArEditorMineOnly role enabled. To utilise this endpoint for all target records the user account requires the ChannelManager role enabled |
GetPricing /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/GetPricing/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly, ChannelManager |
This method will return the pricing of an AR Target record created by the user account matching the authentication token. To return pricing for target records created by another user the user account using this API must include the ChannelManager role. |
UpdatePricing /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/UpdatePricing/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArMarketPublisher | Saves the pricing information of an unlocked AR Target record created by the user account matching the authentication token |
ListPreviewMedia /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/ListPreviewMedia/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly, ChannelManager |
This method will return all of the available preview files for an AR Target record created by the user. To return preview media information for target records created by another user the user account using this API must include the ChannelManager role. Note, if a preview media file is marked as private, you will need to invoke the ArTarget/MediaFile method |
UpdatePreviewMediaThumbnail /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/UpdatePreviewMediaThumbnail/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Saves the IsThumbnail value of the preview media of an AR Target record. Only the roles ArCreator or ArEditorMineOnly can call this method |
UpdatePreviewMediaDefault /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/UpdatePreviewMediaDefault/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Saves the is default value of the preview media of an AR Target record created by the user |
UpdatePreviewMediaOrdinal /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/UpdatePreviewMediaOrdinal/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Saves the ordinal position of the preview media of an AR Target record created by the user |
DeletePreviewMedia /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/DeletePreviewMedia/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Deletes the given preview media from the AR Target record created by the user |
CreatePreviewMediaWithFile /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/CreatePreviewMediaWithFile/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
This method adds a media file as a preview item to an AR Target record created by the user. Note, this method requires a Multipart Form Data request which contains the file bytes |
CreatePreviewMediaWithUrl /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/CreatePreviewMediaWithUrl/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
This method adds a public URL as a preview item to an AR Target record created by the user |
CreateMediaWithFile /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/CreateMediaWithFile/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Create a media record for an uploaded media file and link with an AR Target record created by the user in a specified channel. Note that the Swagger interface will not be successful as the API requires additional posting of multi-form data |
MediaFile /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/MediaFile/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly, ChannelManager |
Download a specific media file in byte format from a permitted media record created by the user. To return a media file for target records created by another user the user account using this API must include the ChannelManager role. Parameter {id} matches the media record’s “arMediaId” value. Note that Swagger generated cURL commands require an additional output switch and filename destination defined. |
CreateMedia /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/CreateMedia/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Create a media record for text based data and link with an AR Target Image in a specified channel. |
DataByKey /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/DataByKey/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly, ChannelManager |
Returns the result of the executed Data Query against the Data Source/Provider for a specific media record on a specific AR Target created by the user account in a permitted channel. To return data for target records created by another user the user account using this API must include the ChannelManager role. This API is dependent on data integration provider modules being enabled and configured at the tenant level. |
CopyrightInfo /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/CopyrightInfo/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly, ChannelManager |
Retrieve copyright information about a specific AR target created by the user account. To return copyright information for target records created by another user the user account using this API must include the ChannelManager role. |
List /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/List/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly, ChannelManager |
Retrieve metadata and URL information for target records created by the user account in a permitted channel. To return information for target records created by another user the user account using this API must include the ChannelManager role. For JSON keypairs without a value either replace “string” with null or remove keypair from JSON array. For example to return an unfiltered listing of the first page of 10 target records the JSON array should be {“Page”: 0, “RecordsPerPage”: 10, “IncludeTargetImages”: true, “IncludeMedia”: true} |
Publish /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/Publish/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArPublisher | Set a specific target in a permitted channel as Published. The user account accessing this API must have created the AR target and have the ArCreator or ArEditorMineOnly role enabled. To utilise this endpoint for all target records the user account requires the ChannelManager role enabled |
Unpublish /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/Unpublish/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArPublisher | Set a specific target in a permitted channel as Unpublished. The user account accessing this API must have created the AR target and have the ArCreator or ArEditorMineOnly role enabled. To utilise this endpoint for all target records the user account requires the ChannelManager role enabled |
RemoveMarketItemFromChannel /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/RemoveMarketItemFromChannel/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArMarketViewer | Remove a specific Market AR target from a permitted channel. The values of “arImageId” can be resolved using the output from the List Target Image API. To utilise this endpoint for all market AR targets the user account requires the ChannelManager role enabled |
Lock /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/Lock/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArLock | Lock a specific AR target from being edited. The user account accessing this API must have created the AR target and have the ArCreator or ArEditorMineOnly role enabled. To utilise this endpoint for all target records the user account requires the ChannelManager role enabled |
Unlock /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/Unlock/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArLock | Unlock a specific AR target to allow editing. The user account accessing this API must have created the AR target and have the ArCreator or ArEditorMineOnly role enabled. To utilise this endpoint for all target records the user account requires the ChannelManager role enabled |
UpdateName /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/UpdateName/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Update Name label of an AR Target created by the user account matching the authentication token |
UpdateShortDescription /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/UpdateShortDescription/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Update short description label of an AR target created by the user account matching the authentication token |
UpdateLongDescription /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/UpdateLongDescription/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Update long description summary of an AR target created by the user account matching the authentication token |
UpdateCopyrightInfo /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/UpdateCopyrightInfo/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Update copyright information of an AR target created by the user account matching the authentication token |
AddTargetMarkerFromContentItem /{tenant}/api/ArTarget/AddTargetMarkerFromContentItem/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArCreator, ArEditorMineOnly |
Sets the image found on an item from a content library as a target image on specific AR Target record created by the user account. If the content library item has an image in the files collection the first image will be used. If there are no images, then the thumbnail will be used if one exists. This API is dependent on content library modules being enabled and configured at the tenant level. |
Asset APIs#
This set of APIs is used for read only operations on published targets only. Access to these APIs only requires basic user authentication and channel access permission.
Except for the Asset/MediaFile API, the value of {id} matches the “channelId” output from the Channel/List Channel Management API. An AR Target Key’s “assetId” value can be found using the List Asset API or in the AR Target dialog of the EMS portal UI.
Name, URL, Type, API Version | Roles | Purpose |
ListByChannel /{tenant}/api/Asset/ListByChannel/{id} GET (API Version 1) |
N/A | Deprecated. Please use Asset/List API instead |
ListByProduct /{tenant}/api/Asset/ListByProduct/{id} GET (API Version 1) |
N/A | Deprecated. Please use Asset/List API instead |
MediaFile /{tenant}/api/Asset/MediaFile/{id} GET (API Version 1) |
N/A | Download a specific media file in byte format from a published target in a permitted channel. Parameter {id} matches the media record’s “arMediaId” value. Note that Swagger generated cURL commands require an additional output switch and filename destination defined. |
ListPreviewMedia /{tenant}/api/Asset/ListPreviewMedia/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
N/A | Call this API to return the preview media files for a published asset. Note, if a preview media file is marked as private, you will need to invoke the Asset/MediaFile method |
CopyrightInfo /{tenant}/api/Asset/CopyrightInfo/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
N/A | Retrieve copyright information about a specific AR target published in a specific channel using the assetId |
TagsByChannel /{tenant}/api/Asset/TagsByChannel/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
N/A | Retrieve list of existing metadata tags in a specific channel for published AR targets only |
RelatedTagsByChannel /{tenant}/api/Asset/RelatedTagsByChannel/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
N/A | Retrieve a list of metadata tags in a specific channel related or grouped with a specific tag for published AR targets only |
List /{tenant}/api/Asset/List/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
N/A | Retrieve metadata and URL information for all published targets in a permitted channel. For JSON keypairs without a value either replace “string” with null or remove keypair from JSON array. For example to return an unfiltered listing of the first page of 10 target records the JSON array should be {“Page”: 0, “RecordsPerPage”: 10, “IncludeTargetImages”: true, “IncludeMedia”: true} |
ListByCategoryProbability /{tenant}/api/Asset/ListByCategoryProbability/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
N/A | Call this API to retrieve all of the published AR Experience records which have been assigned to the specified category where the probability is set to the same or higher than specified. This API is dependent on Object and Scene Recognition modules being enabled and configured at the tenant level. |
MediaByAsset /{tenant}/api/Asset/MediaByAsset/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
N/A | Retrieve media information from a specific target published in a permitted channel using the assetId |
DataByAsset /{tenant}/api/Asset/DataByAsset/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
N/A | Retrieve third party database information from a specific target published in a permitted channel using the assetId. This API is dependent on data integration provider modules being enabled and configured at the tenant level. |
Media APIs#
The value of {id} matches the “channelId” output from the Channel/List Channel Management API.
Name, URL, Type, API Version | Roles | Purpose |
Search /{tenant}/api/Media/Search/{id} GET (API Version 1) |
N/A | Search and filter by filename, url, media type or text property of existing media records in a permitted channel |
List /{tenant}/api/Media/List/{id} GET (API Version 1) |
N/A | Deprecated. Please use Search API instead |
Delete /{tenant}/api/Media/Delete/{id} POST (API Version 1) |
ChannelManager | Delete an unlinked media item in a permitted channel |
AvailableDataTransformProviders /{tenant}/api/MediaType/AvailableDataTransformProviders/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
N/A | Retrieve available data transform providers for the specified channel. Data Transform Providers can be enabled by activating and configuring their respective modules in the EMS |
AvailableContentMediaTypes /{tenant}/api/MediaType/AvailableContentMediaTypes/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
N/A | Retrieve available content media types for the specified channel and their default properties. Media types are defined by module setting AllowedMediaTypesCsv |
AvailableDataMediaTypes /{tenant}/api/MediaType/AvailableDataMediaTypes/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
N/A | Retrieve available data query media types for the specified channel and their default properties |
Market APIs#
This set of APIs is used for operations on AR targets in the Marketplace which is available to all channels in a tenant. Except for the ArMarket/MediaFile API, the value of {id} defaults to “0”.
Name, URL, Type, API Version | Roles | Purpose |
GetPricing /{tenant}/api/ArMarket/GetPricing/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
ArMarketViewer | This method will return the pricing for a given AR Target record |
ListPreviewMedia /{tenant}/api/ArMarket/ListPreviewMedia/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
ArMarketViewer | This method will return all of the available preview files for a given AR Target record. Note, if a preview media file is marked as private, you will need to invoke the ArTarget/MediaFile method |
MediaFile /{tenant}/api/ArMarket/MediaFile/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
ArMarketViewer | Download a specific media file in byte format from a marketplace target in a permitted channel. Parameter {id} matches the media record’s “arMediaId” value. Note that Swagger generated cURL commands require an additional output switch and filename destination defined. |
Publish /{tenant}/api/ArMarket/Publish/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArMarketPublisher | Add specific AR target to marketplace. The user account accessing this API must have created the AR target and have the ArCreator or ArEditorMineOnly role enabled. To utilise this endpoint for all target records the user account requires the ChannelManager role enabled |
Unpublish /{tenant}/api/ArMarket/Unpublish/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArMarketPublisher | Remove specific AR target from marketplace. The user account accessing this API must have created the AR target and have the ArCreator or ArEditorMineOnly role enabled. To utilise this endpoint for all target records the user account requires the ChannelManager role enabled |
List /{tenant}/api/ArMarket/List/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArMarketViewer | Retrieve metadata and URL information for all targets in a permitted channel. For JSON keypairs without a value either replace “string” with null or remove keypair from JSON array. For example to return an unfiltered listing of the first page of 10 target records the JSON array should be {“Page”: 0, “RecordsPerPage”: 10, “IncludeTargetImages”: true, “IncludeMedia”: true} |
CopyrightInfo /{tenant}/api/ArMarket/CopyrightInfo/{id} GET (API Version 2) |
ArMarketViewer | Retrieve copyright information about a specific Marketplace AR target published in a specific channel |
AddToChannel /{tenant}/api/ArMarket/AddToChannel/{id} POST (API Version 2) |
ArMarketViewer | Adds the selected item from the marketplace as a record in the specified channel. Access to the added target may require the ChannelManager role enabled |