Namespace: RefType


Use the functions under this module to access reference type (i.e. RefType) records on the Appearition platform




Appearition.RefType.Get (context, refTypeKey, requestOptions)Appearition.RefType.RefTypeViewModel static

This will return a specific refType record for the given context and key

Name Type Description
context string

The group that the refType record belongs in

refTypeKey number

Uniquely identifies the refType

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Description
Appearition.RefType.RefTypeViewModel This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Appearition.RefType.List (requestOptions)Array.<Appearition.RefType.RefTypeViewModel> static

Retrieves a list of all RefTypes on the server.

Name Type Description
requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Description
Array.<Appearition.RefType.RefTypeViewModel> This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Type Definitions


This data structure holds the details of a RefType record

Name Type Description
Id number

The unique identifier of the record in the database. System generated and allocated

Context string

Records are grouped together via the same context. This is arbitrary text that groups ref types

RefTypeKey number

Unique identifies the refType record for the given context. Please note that for backward compatibility this field is a numeric value

Name string

Readable text label for this refType