Namespace: Assess


Use the functions under this module to review a submitted job assignment


Appearition.Job.Assess.ApproveJobReview (request, requestOptions) static

Approves the job assignment. Will not return anything unless an error occurs

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Job.Assess.JobReviewViewModel

Contains the identifier for the job assignment and any review comments

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Appearition.Job.Assess.CancelJob (request, requestOptions) static

Cancels the job assignment. Will not return anything unless an error occurs

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Job.Assess.JobReviewViewModel

Contains the identifier for the job assignment and any review comments

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Appearition.Job.Assess.FormReview (jobAssignmentId, jobAssignmentFormId, requestOptions) static

This method will start the review of a submitted form and set the form status accordingly. If the review was already started, this method will simply write an audit record of which user opened the review. This method will not return anything unless an error occured

Name Type Description
jobAssignmentId number

The unique identifier of the job assignment

jobAssignmentFormId number

The unique identifier of the submitted form on the job assignment

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

configure callbacks

Appearition.Job.Assess.ListForms (jobAssignmentId, requestOptions)Array.<Appearition.Job.Assess.JobReviewIndexViewModel> static

Retrieves the details of the submitted job assignment including all submitted forms and all audit information. Will return a collection of Appearition.Job.Assess.JobReviewIndexViewModel

Name Type Description
jobAssignmentId number

The unique identifier of the Job assignment

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Description
Array.<Appearition.Job.Assess.JobReviewIndexViewModel> This is returned as part of the success callback function in the requestOptions param

Appearition.Job.Assess.RejectJobReview (request, requestOptions) static

Rejects the job assignment. Will not return anything unless an error occurs

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Job.Assess.JobReviewViewModel

Contains the identifier for the job assignment and any review comments

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Appearition.Job.Assess.Review (jobAssignmentId, requestOptions) static

This method will start the review of a submitted job and set the job status accordingly. If the review was already started, this method will simply write an audit record of which user opened the review. This method will not return anything unless an error occured

Name Type Description
jobAssignmentId number

The unique identifier of the Job assignment

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

configure callbacks

Appearition.Job.Assess.UpdateJobReview (request, requestOptions) static

Updates the reviewer comments of the job assignment. Will not return anything unless an error occurs

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Job.Assess.JobReviewViewModel

Contains the identifier for the job assignment and any review comments

requestOptions Appearition.RequestOptions

Contains the various callback methods for this request

Type Definitions


The various status values for a submitted form in a job assignment.

Name Type Description
ReadyForReview number


ReviewInProgress number


Approved number


Rejected number


UnSubmitted number



Data model holds the details of a submitted form on a submitted job assignment

Name Type Description
JobAssignmentFormId number

The unique identifier of the job assignment form record. This is a system generated value

JobAssignmentId number

The unique identifier of the job assignment record. This is a system generated value

FormId number

The unique identifier of the original form that the submitted form is based on. This is a system generated value

EnteredUtcDateDisplay string

The date/time when the form was entered by the user (format dd MMM yyyy h:mm tt). Note, whilst the field name has UTC in it, the server side is actually converting the date time to Melbourne, Australia time (AEST)

CreatedUtcDateDateDisplay string

The date/time when the job assignment form record was created on the server. This value can differ from the EnteredUtcDateDisplay if the user was working on an offline client and submitted the form at a later date/time.Format dd MMM yyyy h:mm tt. Note, whilst the field name has UTC in it, the server side is actually converting the date time to Melbourne, Australia time (AEST).

FormStatus Appearition.Job.Assess.FormStatusEnum

The numeric version of the status of the submitted form, refer to the FormStatusEnum for options

FormStatusName string

The name of the status of the submitted form, refer to the FormStatusEnum for options

FormName string

The original name of the form

DefaultPdfTemplateName string

The selected template that will be used to generate a report for the submitted form

CanReview boolean

Indicates if the submitted form is in a state that can be reviewed

HasAssets boolean

Indicates if the submitted form has fields which impact the Assets in the system


A data structure that represents the details of a job assignment

Name Type Description
JobAssignmentId number

The unique identifier of the job assignment record. This is a system generated value

JobNo string

An identifier assigned to the job.

JobId number

The unique identifier for the job (system allocated).

PTW string

An identifier assigned to the job.

TroubleTicket string

An identifier assigned to the job.

PurchaseOrderNo string

An identifier assigned to the job.

Comments string

Holds a description of the job.

SiteId number

Unique identifier to the site this job assignment is associated with.

SiteNo string

An identifier to the site.

SiteName string

The name of the site.

AssigneeUsername string

The unique login of the user allocated to the job.

AssigneeFirstName string

The first name of the user allocated to the job.

AssigneeLastName string

The last name of the user allocated to the job.

JobAssignedUtcDateDisplay string

The date time when the job was created (format dd MMM yyyy h:mm tt). Note, whilst the field name has UTC in it, the server side is actually converting the date time to Melbourne, Australia time (AEST)

AssignerUsername string

The unique login of the user who created the job.

AssignerFirstName string

The first name of the user who created the job.

AssignerLastName string

The last name of the user who created the job.

JobStatus Appearition.Job.JobStatusEnum

The numeric version of the status of the job, refer to the JobStatusEnum for options

JobStatusName string

The name of the status of the job, refer to the JobStatusEnum for options

CanReview boolean

Indicates if the job is in a state that can be reviewed

ScheduledStartUtcDate string

The actual scheduled start date of the job as a UTC field. This value will differ from ScheduledStartUtcDateDisplay.

ScheduledEndUtcDate string

The actual scheduled end date of the job as a UTC field. This value will differ from ScheduledEndUtcDateDisplay.

DefaultPdfTemplateName string

The selected template that will be used to generate a job report for submissions


This is the data structure returned by to send as part of the Appearition.Job.Assess.ListForms method

Name Type Description
JobAssignment Appearition.Job.Assess.JobAssignmentForReviewViewModel

The job assignment details

JobReview Appearition.Job.Assess.JobReviewViewModel

The data model that holds the review details for the job

CanReview boolen

Indicates if the job assignment is in a state which can be reviewed

Forms Array.<Appearition.Job.Assess.JobAssignmentFormViewModel>

The collection of all of the submitted forms on this job assignment

Activity Array.<Appearition.Job.Assess.JobActivityViewModel>

All audit activity recorded against this job assignment

IsReadOnly boolean

Identifies job assignment review can be modified or read only

PdfTemplates Array.<Appearition.SelectListItem>

A collection of templates that can be used to generate a custom formatted report for the submitted job assignment


Data model holds the review comments field for a specific job assignment

Name Type Description
JobAssignmentId number

The unique identifier of the job assignment record. This is a system generated value

ReviewerComments string

Text entered by a reviewer of the job assignment