Namespace: ArTargetImageAndMedia


Use the functions under this module to access AR Experience records on the Appearition platform




Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.AddProperty (arTargetId, propertyDetails, requestOptions) static

Adds a new property for the given record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

propertyDetails any

Holds the propertyKey and Value to update

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.AddTag (arTargetId, tag, requestOptions) static

Retrieves a list of tags that are available to be added to an experience record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to return

tag string

the tag to add

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.AddTargetMarkerFromContentItem (arTargetId, request, requestOptions) static

Set the image from a content item to be a target marker of the experience. If the content item has an image in the files collection, the first image will be used. If there are no images, it will look to use the thumbnail

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

request Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.AddTargetMarkerFromContentItemViewModel

Contains the details of the content item to

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.ArTargetMediaFileAsDataUrl (mediaFileId, requestOptions) static

Returns a private media file as a data URL on an AR Target

Name Type Description
mediaFileId number

identifies the MEDIA FILE on an AR Target record

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.AssetMediaFileAsDataUrl (mediaFileId, requestOptions) static

Returns a private media file as a data URL on an Asset (i.e. AR Target record that has been published)

Name Type Description
mediaFileId number

identifies the MEDIA FILE on an AR Target record

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.AvailableContentMediaTypes (requestOptions) static

Retrieves a list of content media types available to the user

Name Type Description
requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.AvailableDataMediaTypes (requestOptions) static

Retrieves a list of data media types available to the user

Name Type Description
requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.AvailableDataTransformProviders (requestOptions) static

Retrieves a list of data transform providers available to the user

Name Type Description
requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.CopyrightInfo (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Retrieves the copyright info of as specific experience record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the experience record

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Create (request, requestOptions) static

Creates a new AR record

Name Type Description
request Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.CreateRequest

holds the data that will be created

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.CreateMedia (arTargetId, request, requestOptions) static

Creates a new media item on the AR record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the AR record

request Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.CreateMediaRequest

hold the data that will sent to be updated

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.CreatePreviewMediaWithFile (arTargetId, ordinal, isPrivate, fileName, fileContent, requestOptions)Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.PreviewMediaViewModel static

This method adds a media file as a preview item to an AR Target record.

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

ordinal number

The ordinal position of the preview media relative to all the other preview media

isPrivate boolean

If TRUE, then a public open URL will be made available. If FALSE, then only via API call to the platform can the file be read

fileName string

The name of the file being sent up to the server

fileContent string

The file contents that need to be sent up to the server

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Type Description

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.CreatePreviewMediaWithUrl (arTargetId, ordinal, url, requestOptions)Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.PreviewMediaViewModel static

This method adds a public URL as a preview item to an AR Target record.

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

ordinal number

The ordinal position of the preview media relative to all the other preview media

url string

A public URL which will serve the preview file

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Type Description

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.DataByAsset (request, requestOptions) static

Retrieve data stream for a given asset

Name Type Description
request Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.DataByAssetRequest

Contains the asset id that uniquely identifies the AR experience record and the list of key value pairs that are applied to the data query for this request see DataByAssetRequest

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.DataByKey (request, requestOptions) static

Retrieve data stream for a given ar target

Name Type Description
request Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.DataByKeyRequest

Contains the asset id that uniquely identifies the AR experience record and the list of key value pairs that are applied to the data query for this request see DataByAssetRequest

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Delete (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Deletes the given AR Target record and handles the removal of the target image from the image recognition provider

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.DeletePreviewMedia (arTargetId, previewMediaId, requestOptions) static

Deletes the given preview media from the AR Target record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

previewMediaId number

Uniquely identifies preview media on the AR Target record

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.DownloadTargetImageAsDataUrl (arImageId, requestOptions) static

Retrieves a specific record with the given id

Name Type Description
arImageId number

identifies the target image to download

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Get (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Retrieves a specific record with the given id

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to return

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.GetAnonymousWebArAccessCredentials (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Retrieves the access details for allowing anonymous WebAR for the given record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the AR Target record

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.GetAvailableTags (requestOptions) static

Retrieves a list of tags that are available to be added to an experience record

Name Type Description
requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.GetPricing (arTargetId, requestOptions)Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.PricingViewModel static

Retrieves the pricing information for an AR Target record

Name Type Description
arTargetId any

uniquely identifies the AR Target record

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Type Description

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.GetProperties (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Retrieves the list of peroties for the given record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the AR Target record

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.GetTargetImageQuality (arTargetId, arImageId, requestOptions)Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.ArImageQualityViewModel static

Retrieves the quality information of a target image for an AR Target record

Name Type Description
arTargetId any

uniquely identifies the AR Target record

arImageId any

identifies the target image on the AR Target record

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Type Description

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.GetTargetImageStream (url, requestOptions) static

Retrieves a base64 serialised version of the file that the given URL links to

Name Type Description
url string

Contains the link to the file being downloaded

requestOptions any

Contains the configured callback on a successful request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.IsWebArAnonAccessEnabled (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Checks if WebAR is available for the given record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the AR Target record

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.IsWebArAvailable (arTargetKey, requestOptions) static

Checks if WebAR is available for the given record

Name Type Description
arTargetKey number

identifies the AR Target record

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.List (request, requestOptions) static

Retrieves AR Experiences from the Appearition platform for the specified filter criteria

Name Type Description
request any

data structure holds the filter and paging information for the server

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.ListByCategoryProbability (requestOptions) static

Retrieves published AR Experiences filtered by given category and probability

Name Type Description
requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of category and probability and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.ListByChannel (requestOptions) static

Retrieves all of the published AR Experiences from the Appearition platform for the specified tenant and channel

Name Type Description
requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.ListPreviewMedia (arTargetId, requestOptions)Array.<Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.PreviewMediaViewModel> static

Retrieves the list of preview media files for an AR Target record

Name Type Description
arTargetId any

uniquely identifies the AR Target record

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Type Description

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Lock (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Locks the experience to prevent any changes

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to lock

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.MediaByAsset (request, requestOptions) static

Retrieve the media for a given asset. If the media is a data query, then the query will be executed, the results will be transformed as specified and then returned

Name Type Description
request any

Contains the asset id that uniquely identifies the AR experience record and the list of key value pairs that are applied to the data query for this request see DataByAssetRequest

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Publish (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Publishes the record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to return

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.RemoveMarketItemFromChannel (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Removes the market record from the channel

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to return

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.RemoveTag (arTargetId, tag, requestOptions) static

Retrieves a list of tags that are available to be added to an experience record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to return

tag string

the tag to add

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UnlinkArImage (arTargetId, arImageId, requestOptions) static

Removes a target image item from the AR record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the AR record

arImageId number

identifies the target image

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UnlinkMedia (arTargetId, arMediaId, requestOptions) static

Removes media item from the AR record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the AR record

arMediaId number

identifies the media record

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Unlock (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Unlocks the experience to allow changes

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to lock

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.Unpublish (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Unpublishes the record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to return

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateAnonymousWebArAccessCredentials (arTargetId, accessDetails, requestOptions) static

Updates the access details for allowing anonymous WebAR for the given record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

accessDetails any

Holds the registered application id and the access token

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateCopyrightInfo (arTargetId, request, requestOptions) static

Updates the copyright of the record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to return

request Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateCopyrightInfoRequest

hold the data that will sent to be updated

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateLongDescription (arTargetId, request, requestOptions) static

Updates the long description of the record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to return

request Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateLongDescriptionRequest

hold the data that will sent to be updated

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateMediaSettings (arTargetId, arMediaId, request, requestOptions) static

Updates the settings associated with a media item

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the AR record

arMediaId number

identifies the media record on the AR record

request Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateMediaSettingsRequest

hold the data that will sent to be updated

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateName (arTargetId, request, requestOptions) static

Updates the name of the record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to return

request Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateNameRequest

hold the data that will sent to be updated

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdatePreviewMediaDefault (arTargetId, previewMediaId, isDefault, requestOptions) static

Saves the IsDefault value of the preview media of an AR Target record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

previewMediaId number

Uniquely identifies preview media on the AR Target record

isDefault number


requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdatePreviewMediaOrdinal (arTargetId, previewMediaId, ordinal, requestOptions) static

Saves the ordinal position of the preview media of an AR Target record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

previewMediaId number

Uniquely identifies preview media on the AR Target record

ordinal number

The ordinal position of the preview media relative to all the other preview media

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdatePreviewMediaThumbnail (arTargetId, previewMediaId, isThumbnail, requestOptions) static

Saves the IsThumbnail value of the preview media of an AR Target record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

previewMediaId number

Uniquely identifies preview media on the AR Target record

isThumbnail number


requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdatePricing (arTargetId, request, requestOptions) static

Saves the pricing information of an AR Target record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

request Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.PricingViewModel

holds the pricing information

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateProperty (arTargetId, propertyDetails, requestOptions) static

Updates and existing property

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

propertyDetails any

Holds the propertyKey and Value to update

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateShortDescription (arTargetId, request, requestOptions) static

Updates the short description of the record

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

identifies the record to return

request Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateShortDescriptionRequest

hold the data that will sent to be updated

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.WebArAnonAccessDisable (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Disables anonymous access to the AR record for WebAR

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.WebArAnonAccessEnable (arTargetId, requestOptions) static

Enables anonymous access to the AR record for WebAR

Name Type Description
arTargetId number

Uniquely identifies the AR Target record

requestOptions any

Contains the parameters of Channel Id and any configured callbacks on a successful or failed request

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.WebArViewerQrCodeAsBase64 (arTargetKey, requestOptions) static

Returns the QR Code for opening the WebAR viewer if applicable for the give AR record

Name Type Description
arTargetKey number

identifies the AR Target record

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.WebArViewerUrl (arTargetKey, requestOptions) static

Returns the QR Code for opening the WebAR viewer if applicable for the give AR record

Name Type Description
arTargetKey number

identifies the AR Target record

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Type Definitions


Used for the DataByAsset request

Name Type Description
contentItemProviderName string

Identifies the content library that the item exists in

contentItemKey string

Identifies the item within the content library


Holds the quality information of a target image on an AR Target record

Name Type Description
arImageId number

Identifies the target image

isReady boolean

Indicates of the image recognition provider has process the image and is ready to start recognising it

isError boolean

Indicates if something has gone wrong during the processing of the target image for recognition

errorMessage string

Descriptive information explaining the state of the image

isQualityChecked boolean

Indicates if a quality check has been made on the target image

isQualityGood boolean

Indicates if the quality of the image, according to the image recognition provider, is good enough for recognition

isQualityWarning boolean

Indicates if the quality of the image, according to the image recognition provider, is OK but there some concern identified

isQualityPoor boolean

Indicates if the quality check of the image, according to the image recognition provider, is poor and recognition may not work

qualityPercentage number

A value between 0-100 where 0 means the features of the image cannot be used for recognition and 100 means the features of the image make it excellent for recognition


This is the data structure sent for the Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.CreateMedia method

Name Type Description
arMediaId number

leave this empty (zero)

fileName string

the name of the file of the content

url string

the web link to the content

checksum string

Md5 hash of the file contents

mediaType string

The type of media this is

mimeType string

The format of the content item

isPrivate boolean

Whether the content item has a public URL or not

resolution number

The quality level of the content item

language string

the language that this media applies to

isTracking boolean

should the media be augmented over the scanned target marker

isAutoPlay boolean

should the media automatically start when triggered

isPreDownload boolean

should the media content be downloaded before it is triggered

isInteractive boolean

can the user interact with the media content

animationName string

does the media have an animation name. Applies to 3D models

scaleX number

the size of the model to render when triggered

scaleY number

the size of the model to render when triggered

scaleZ number

the size of the model to render when triggered

translationX number

the position of the model to render when triggered

translationY number

the position of the model to render when triggered

translationZ number

the position of the model to render when triggered

rotationX number

the orientation of the model to render when triggered

rotationY number

the orientation of the model to render when triggered

rotationZ number

the orientation of the model to render when triggered

text string

any text value associated with this media

custom string

any custom value associated with this media

contentItemProviderName string

the reference to the library where the media was taken from

contentItemKey string

the identifier of the media item in the library

dataTransform string

contains ProviderName and TemplateText


This is the data structure sent for the Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.CreateMedia method

Name Type Description
productId number

Identifies the channel to create the new AR record

name string

the name of the AR record

shortDescription string

a short description of the AR record (max 200 chars)

longDescription string

a long description (accepts HTML)

copyrightInfo string

copyright information to be displayed for this AR record


Used for the DataByAsset request

Name Type Description
assetId string

A UUID that uniquely identifies the AR Experience record

arMediaId null

Identifies the specific media record which represents the data query

params Array.<Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.DataByAssetRequestParam>

Key value pair sent applied to the data query as part of the request


Used for the DataByAsset request

Name Type Description
key string

any string value that will be use in the data query request

value string

any string value which will be replaced for the key in the data query request


Used for the DataByAsset request

Name Type Description
arTargetKey string

Uniquely identifies the AR Experience record

arMediaId null

Identifies the specific media record which represents the data query

params Array.<Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.DataByKeyRequestParam>

Key value pair sent applied to the data query as part of the request


Used for the DataByKey request

Name Type Description
key string

any string value that will be use in the data query request

value string

any string value which will be replaced for the key in the data query request


Holds the details of a preview media item

Name Type Description
previewMediaId number

Identifies the Preview Media for the AR Target record

arTargetId number

Identifies the AR Target record

ordinal number

The order position of this preview media relative to any other preview media for the AR Target

isDefault boolean

TRUE | FALSE, indicates if this preview media is the default one that should be shown first

isThumbnail boolean

TRUE | FALSE, indicates if this preview media can be used as a thumbnail

fileName string

If the media is an uploaded file, this holds the original file name

checksum string

If the media is an uploaded file, this holds the MD5 checksum of the file bytes

url string

The URL to download the media from. If isPrivate=true, then you must invoke the ArTarget/MediaFile method using the previewMediaId

isPrivate boolean

TRUE | FALSE. If FALSE, the url can be called to retrieve the media. If TRUE, you must invoke the ArTarget/MediaFile method using the previewMediaId


Holds the details of pricing

Name Type Description
isFree boolean

TRUE | FALSE, indicates if the AR target record has no payment amount

description string

A descriptive text field


This is the data structure sent for the Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateCopyrightInfo method

Name Type Description
copyrightInfo string

the Copyright Info of the record


This is the data structure sent for the Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateLongDescription method

Name Type Description
longDescription string

the Long Description of the record


This is the data structure sent for the Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateMediaSettings method

Name Type Description
arMediaId number

identifies the media record

url string

the web link to the content

mediaType string

The type of media this is

language string

the language that this media applies to

isTracking boolean

should the media be augmented over the scanned target marker

isAutoPlay boolean

should the media automatically start when triggered

isPreDownload boolean

should the media content be downloaded before it is triggered

isInteractive boolean

can the user interact with the media content

animationName string

does the media have an animation name. Applies to 3D models

scaleX number

the size of the model to render when triggered

scaleY number

the size of the model to render when triggered

scaleZ number

the size of the model to render when triggered

translationX number

the position of the model to render when triggered

translationY number

the position of the model to render when triggered

translationZ number

the position of the model to render when triggered

rotationX number

the orientation of the model to render when triggered

rotationY number

the orientation of the model to render when triggered

rotationZ number

the orientation of the model to render when triggered

text string

any text value associated with this media

custom string

any custom value associated with this media


This is the data structure sent for the Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateName method

Name Type Description
name string

the name of the record


This is the data structure sent for the Appearition.ArTargetImageAndMedia.UpdateShortDescription method

Name Type Description
shortDescription string

the Short Description of the record