Namespace: Channel


Use the functions under this access the channel methods on the Appearition platform


Appearition.Channel.InvitePersonaToChannel (request, requestOptions) static

Returns the thumbnail image of an item in the library as a data URL

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Channel.InvitationToChannelRequest

holds the invitation details

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Appearition.Channel.Search (request, requestOptions) static

search for Channels in the tenant and returned a page of results

Name Type Description
request Appearition.Channel.ChannelSearchViewModel

holds the invitation details

requestOptions any

configure callbacks

Type Definitions


Holds search criteria

Name Type Description
name string

The text to search for in the name

exactMatch boolean

If false, partial search is made against the name field

includeSettings boolean

include any channel settings

page number

instructs which page of records to return. Zero based index.

recordsPerPage number

instructs how many records per page to return.


Holds the invitation details to invite a persona to a channel

Name Type Description
Persona string

The name of the persona

EmailAddress string

The email address to invite

CopyMeOnInvite boolean

Indicates whether the user sending the invitation should be included in the email